Jumat, 11 November 2016

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Script Audio
track Audio 31

Woman            : So can you tell us something about the result of the survey into the usage of the internet, Ben? 
Man                 : Well, first of all let's through it into different age group. There's still a large difference between the number of the young and the older people who access the internet. 90% of those 16-24 age group have used the internet in the last three months whereas the percentage of the 65+ age group is only 24%.

Woman            : That's not surprising though is it? After all, young people have grown up with it.
Man                 : That's true and also as you might expect, the most popular activity is searching for information about goods or services, which takes up 86% of their time online. The second most popular activity is sending & receiving emails at 85%. Generally men use it more than women, but one of the few activities that women are interested than men is looking for health-related information. 31% use the internet for business and oppose to 24% of men.

Woman            : What about where we access the internet? Do we spend a lot of time at work online when we should be working?
Men                 : No. Actually 87% log on from home whereas only 44% access it from work. 52% of internet users say that the most important reason why they don't use internet more is because they don't have time. But only 10% worry about the security and their privacy. 

Woman            : Okay, one last question. Which product has the highest sales?
Men                 : Films & music. 51% say that they bought films, music, or dvd recently. Whereas 46% say that they have purchased travel accomodation and holidays.

Nama Kelompok 5 :
1. Andi Rahma Nurfajriati
2. Annisa Shinta Dewi
3. Syifa Nafisah Zahra


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